
How to clean up blood

Actually factually, I have no need of this information, but howstuffworks has a great page on the equipment needed for crime scene cleanup, including some factoids that are too groos to mention here. Ok just one: brain matter... dries into a cement-like consistency. This American Life did a nifty segment following a crime scene cleaner upper. Finally, the Iowa State University has a page that gives the following advice concerning decontaminating human blood: One part household bleach diluted in ten parts water is also an appropriate choice.


Blogger Ginhawks said...

Let's see, I can think of at least three instances when this information would have come in handy: The Time of the Great Bat Extermination, the 18 washer-loads of pig-shit encrusted denim, and that time those Zombies came over for dinner and we couldn't get the brains off the dinnerware.

8/31/2006 11:55:00 AM  

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