
Bad Neighborhood: Continued

Originally, I though I would post a picture about how the new neighborhood was all environmentally sensitive -- this picture was taken directly across the street on the way to my car to drive to my work within walking distance. Some spiel about how the street was so close to nature that wildlife nibbled on our lawns.


That was before the deer attacked a family member.

Yep, reared up on the back legs Bambulance-style against human and canine family members. Now the deer is Family Enemy Number One. My duty is to peg it with a volleyball.

The "peg with a volleyball" orders have since been rescinded. It turns out the reason the deer was acting so freaky was that it had two small fawns nestled in the next yard over.


A Bad Neighborhood

On the way home last night, I said "ooh, a fox!" This was quickly followed by seeing three more foxes. This apparent pack of kits had taken this Ford as their territory and did not seem particularly bothered by my taking of pictures and intermittent squealing with cute joy.

Foxes are not generally found in packs and do not like the plural "foxen". They glared at me when I referred to them that way. They also do not particularly like being anthropomorphized.

Originals up on the flickr.


To Do List: The First 25

By popular request, here are the first 25 in the ongoing series of things for me to do in life:

Drive in a demolition derby
Visit the Trinity Test Site
Eat at every restaurant within walking distance of my home and work
Become fluent in Spanish
Go to a drive-in movie
Record an album
Ride NASA's (or a private organization's) "Vomit Comet"
Own a pinball machine
Learn to play the violin
Fall in love for keeps
Drive in the Paris to Dakar rally
Form a publishing company (Recursive Press)
Appear in a movie
Publish collected Apple Sauce Brain Man collection
Stay in the ice hotel
Set foot on all seven continents
Participate in a giant food fight
Remove money as a concern
Spend a week in New York City
Write and then edit a novel
Punch a shark
See a shuttle launch
Learn to juggle
Take a four (or more) day train ride
Take a photograph a day for a year

Disclaimer: I stole some from Maggie.