
Negatives from the sixties

I turned my flatbed scanner into a juryrigged negative scanner (by leaving the lid open) and scanned a bunch of negatives I found in an abandoned house in Kansas. Once I get them all separated and processed I'll post a Flickr stream but in the meantime I can't resist sharing other people's photographs.

Also, I'm itching to play with the recolored beta. Come on, OS X version!

Edit: Broke down and did a quick-and-dirty hand-tint in Photoshop. I think computers are amazing insomuch as a person can turn a black and white negative from 40 years ago into a color picture then put it somewhere that people around the world can see it and that basically the process to do so is not much more than "screwing around on a winter's afternoon".

Another Edit: If you haven't seen the Library of Congress exhibition of color photography from the 1940's... it is spellbinding.


Anonymous color correction said...

Looks pretty good...

4/15/2009 06:11:00 AM  

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