
June First: Insult Stickies is out!

Amazon has started selling my new book: Insult Stickies: 100 Funny Insults to Write & Leave Behind.

It is, as the title implies, stuffed with fill-in-the-blank insults printed on sticky notes. Think Mad Libs, only more freeform and funnier. Plus the book has a pencil and pencil sharpener built right in! I don't think Fyodor Dostoevsky ever had a book with a built in pencil sharpener (maaybe Post-it Notes from Underground did).

Is your karma so bad that insulting anyone would set you on the path to downwardly mobile reincarnation? That's ok too, as most of the insults could easily be turned into compliments for no additional price. Strange compliments, with an undercurrent of malice, but compliments nonetheless!

Similar books have sold for upwards of two thousand dollars [disclaimer: not actually true] but Insult Stickies is available at your local bookstore or via Amazon for the low, low, low, oh so low price of five bucks. That's less than a mixed drink at that fancy bar on the other side of town! You know, the snooty bar with the "shoes mandatory" dress code? You could nail 95 insults to their door and STILL have five left over!

Still not convinced? Here's the free sample:

Ask for it by name: Sticky Insults! Or by my name: Fyodor Dostoevsky. I mean Erik Johnson.

(I get a small kickback if you order through the above Amazon link. As of today they aren't shipping until next week, presumably because they're sticking notes on each other's backs.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I buy through you...then you get a quarter. That is one quarter closer to a Mexican Coke in a bottle.

That seems like the right think to do.

And I don't exactly like the taste of blood.

6/09/2007 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

more blogs! oh man! i am so ready for more blogs i could pee my pants! what is going on with no blogs? is there interference from girlies or something? oh man, i hope not. i want blogs!

6/16/2007 11:36:00 AM  

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