
Free time over Winterween? Not anymore.

I'm sure all the pikamac.com readers are super-busy over this Winterween season, but just in case, here's two entirely too amusing webcomics I came across while prepping for the impending secret ASBM relaunch:

Dresden Codak: Lavishly illustrated, fantastically funny. Probably my favorite thing on the internet right now. And I live on the internet.

Not quite as favorite, but much longer, and more Lego-y is Irregular Webcomic a daily multi-threaded strip done (mostly) with Minifigs. Like xkcd.com (which is also a recent addition to my "favorite webcomics" category), IWC isn't afraid to go for the obscure, utterly technical joke... but IWC isn't afraid of explaining one's own jokes either. In the wrong hands explaining a joke can kill it, but sometimes its what makes a classic. Plus, there's over fourteen hundred IWC strips to catch up on. I'm a fan, but I still have more than 1000 I haven't read yet!

Edit: In accordance with LEGO ®'s Fair Play Guidelines, I meant to say that Irregular Webcomic is more Lego Brand Building Brick-y. Apologies all around. (Actually, The Lego Group is being pretty reasonable with their copyrights and quite understanding of the importance of fan community to long-term commercial success in the internet age).


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