
Pikamac year in review.

New Year's resolution 2006: complete. One post a day for the entire year (although I'll admit that I wasn't able to post every day). Since I started keeping track in September I've been averaging about 15 unique visitors a day (spiking up to 40 from time to time) and a total of around 400 readers in that time. That's way more then the friends and family I know, but certainly not in the blog-superstar range. Still, to harken back to my previous "state of the blog address", this isn't a proper niche blog. The niche is so tiny (people who like Erik Johnson) that large amounts of traffic is an unreasonable expectation. By that metric, I'm doing fantastically well: drawing in readership from all over the world:

The Google Analytics tech is a bit wonky, and I know there's readers on continents that aren't represented here.

My most popular post was one of the earliest: January 16's regarding the Aiptek 5100 camera. I'm one of the only reviewers of this "camera" on the internet so I get all the traffic. Which is fine... it's a good post. I would like to have a more general low-end photography blog at some point. It would be incredible fun.

New words coined in 2006 include: oblogation, herptoavionics, aforeblogged, lordiest, psychospectral, automoblogging, monomonopoly, nundinaenym and Pelosimania.

Of the Years:
Game: Lumines 2
Movie: The Departed
Book: Making Comics
State: Colorado
Album: Death Cab for Cutie - Plans
Tech: MacBook (Runner up: Wii)

I'm torn on posting frequency for 2007. On one hand, I've already committed to a daily posting on another project and if I try to do two things every day I may drop both of them. On the other hand, prior to 2006, if I didn't post daily I didn't post at all. So likely sporadic posting in 2007 (with frequent conversation in the message board (good user names still available)).

Finally, a big thanks to Pikamac.com readers. I would not have made it this far if I didn't know someone somewhere was reading it.


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