Since I don't usually have access to cable, it is a virtual buffet of new and interesting shows to me. On the road I caught the premiere of Survivorman on The Discovery Channel and it was fantastic. This is what Survivor should have been: no camera crews, no food from the producers, just surviving. The title role is Les Stroud, who is dropped off in an isolated location with 50 pounds of camera gear and has to survive for a week. He does all the camera work himself in the arctic, desert or what-have-you. The first Discovery Channel episode seemed a little rushed, as it was cut down to a half hour from the original hourlong presentation.
But imagine Survivor this way: just a bunch of people on an island with cameras and nothing else. The person who stays out there the longest wins. The show could take years to finish, depending on the skills of the contestants. I'd watch for sure. Ok, maybe not for years... but the first couple episodes anyway.
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