
Syncronicity on the 2600

This afternoon Nick and I were talking about rare video games (as I finally found a copy of Mister Mosquito) and what makes them rare. I told him the story of E.T. for the Atari 2600, a game so monumentally non-rare, millions of copies were buried in the desert.

When I get home and catch up on Boing Boing and one of today's items was a music video detailing that very game that crashed the entire videogame industry. And what's more, the video was directed by Keith Schofield, the director behind the brillant One Block Radius and Pi music videos that are in frequent rotation on my iPod. A very happy boy is me.

Also, the aforelinked Wikipedia article mentioned that E.T. was programed by Howard Scott Warshaw, the fine creative mind behind Yar's Revenge.

I'm still considering a Yar's Revenge tattoo. I probably won't get an E.T. tat.


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