
Free Internet

It's business as usual in America: corporate interests seek control of whatever they currently don't. This week's target is our internet. The short explanation is that internet service providers, telco companies, and the "big pipe" or backbone providers currently transmit our data without heeding who it belongs to or where it's going. It's a system that's worked well but it could all come tumbling down this week, as Congress votes to revamp the Telecommunications Act. The current version of the bill would allow ISPs to block or slow access to sites or traffic for any reason they desire.

Our friends at MoveOn.org have organized a petition they'll submit to Congress but if you like more direct action (and who doesn't?) savetheinternet.com has all the phone numbers for the members of the Energy & Commerce Committee. Take a minute to call them up and let them know how you feel.

No, really. It's easy and fun. If we lose the internet we lose an important tool for future revolutions.


Blogger Ginhawks said...

I have $50 that says you didn't call.

4/26/2006 01:19:00 PM  
Blogger Erik said...

Pay up

Rep. Matt Blunt (R-Missouri) voted against internet neutrality despite my call. Guess I'll be calling back. Care to lose another fifty dollars?

4/26/2006 08:33:00 PM  

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