
More on Glaciers

One of my favorite journalists, Molly Ivins, has more to say on the subject of global warming and glaciers:

“Global warming turns out to reinforce itself by a number of feedback mechanisms. For example, when the polar icecaps start melting, there's less blinding bright ice to reflect heat back into the atmosphere -- over 90 percent of sunlight simply bounces off ice and back into space. Whereas the dark water left behind by melted ice does the opposite, pulling in more warmth and accelerating the process.”

I suggest reading the whole thing. Erik, you’ll especially love the part about Canadians.

And here's the old fashioned, cut and paste link.


Blogger Erik said...

Those damned Canadians! First they burned the White House down and now this! They've got such a big country, but it's so cold. They want to heat up the earth, increase their property values, get rich and powerful and start running the world.

Fight Canada: Fight Global Warming!

Secret Message for Canadians: Thanks for playing along on this one. We'll totally make it up to you.

4/09/2006 11:10:00 AM  

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