

My computer sometimes asks, "Enable cookies?" I say, "Yes, please!" and then wait for someone to appear at my door with a plate full of steaming hot, yummy cookies. Where is the Cookie Enabler? And will my cookies be cold by the time he, she, or it finally finds me?

However, those are not the cookies I came to talk about today.

At lunch today, I recieved an actual cookie (neither steaming nor hot), with this forturne tucked inside:

Beware of cookies bearing fortunes.

Naturally, I didn't eat it.


Blogger Ginhawks said...

My all time favorite fortune was "It's not that your fat, your hair just makes you look that way."

5/10/2006 06:52:00 PM  
Blogger Erik said...

But if you are wary of cookies bearing fortunes, you must first distrust the cookie bearing that message, which means it isn't true but if it isn't true then you can't believe it and you could eat it but then it would be true and you couldn't eat it....

Mine said: "Never get involved in a land war in Asia".

5/14/2006 03:02:00 PM  

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