
Mystery Case

With my recent lottery winnings, I decided to splurge on some beer. To my delight, the local liquor store had a pair of mystery cases! Now I'm sure many liquor stores sell mystery cases, but I've never seen any outside of Colorado. A mystery case is a liquor store's way of getting rid of all the partial six packs that seem to build up over time. For the savvy consumer who doesn't mind taking chances, the mystery case is a great value.

There's always a danger of getting a bunch of skunky canned beer in a mystery case, but isn't that label worth the price of admission alone?

Opening the case reveals that beers are just crammed in. I don't think it's possible to get more beers in here. It should be mentioned that mystery cases have their own song (similar to the Mystery Gift song) sung roughly to the tune of 101 Dalmation's Cruela De Ville.

This particular case was one of the best I've had. Three cheap beers and the rest Stella Artrois, Harp, Sierra Nevada and the like. Mystery Cases are a great way to try new beers without having potentially five repulsive bottles hanging around. Good stuff!


Blogger Wendy York said...

my friend adam, when he still lived here, earned the name Bumjuice (a la moi), because he always went to a scratch and dent liquor store to buy his beer and would fill a tub for $25. he would get quite the selection. for awhile we lived high on the hog on boddingtons. mmmmmmmmm!!!!! you are one lucky trash picker/beer risker!! let's roll some of that beer up!

6/17/2007 01:59:00 PM  

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