
Movies made of letters

Stumbled across YØUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES ages ago, loved it, promptly forgot about it and restumbled the other day. It's just words set to music... in the same sense of the word "just" as in the sentence "Cool Hand Luke is just people pretending to be prisoners". I can't describe it properly without some jazz in the background. Even if I figured out how to put music to this post I wouldn't be able to do it

as stylishly
as perfectly
as effortlessly

See, that was pretty cool, but it's utter rubbish in comparison. My favorite is SAMSUNG MEANS T0 CØME, a story of "sex, multiple orgasms and, of course, money". It's a bit dirty, but not graphically so. Safe for work unless there's someone reading over your shoulder and utterly perfect for Closet Theater.

Another favorite is the plea for donations: URGENT REQUEST. There's no dirty parts at all, and it's almost as good.

That's YØUNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES. Accept no substitutes. Especially not me.


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