
State of the Blog address

Well, that's an entire month of non-stop action blogging. Time to read the articles I've been saving to read until I became a "real blogger":

Steve Pavlina

Tony Pierce


By my back of the blank white card calculations, I'm doing fairly well by Tony (writing every day), not as well by Steve (too much so-called disposable content), and decent by ehow (it's a fairly short, basic article that I only included so I would have three links). But running contrary to all opinions, as usual, is Warren Ellis who tells us: this blog is mainly for me, but everyone else can watch too.

So onward and upward. Based on my looking at other blogs, I plan to add a "favorite posts" section and also take more pictures. So far my ads have earned me... a dollar! So that's not the massive cash influx the Google people made it out to be. They're in enough hot water anyway.

Blog on!


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